The weather in Ostend
Weather forecast Ostend
On this page we bring, in collaboration with the KMI, the weather forecast for Ostend for today and the coming days. Would you like more detailed information about temperature, wind, chance of rain, UV index, wave height?
Weather forecast KMI
Temperature of beach water
Clouds or rain in Ostend?
Why it is often better weather on the coast
The weather on the Belgian coast can sometimes differ greatly from the weather inland. Why? 5 facts about the weather on the coast. - Our coast has a special microclimate - This climate gives us 200 hours more sun on the Belgian coast. - The KMI measures 200 litres less rain at sea. - This microclimate carries up to 20 km inland. - The faster warming of the beach results in the sea breeze. We are happy to explain it to you in more detail in our blog:
Ostend summer 2018 with beautiful weather
Summer in seaside resort Oostende and Mariakerke. That is sun, sea, beach, happy people and a nice atmosphere on the dike. Here you can enjoy the summer atmosphere. With thanks to Marcel Tettero for his film 'Lovely summer on the beach of Oostende'.
Nice weather? Check sea water temperature?
Want to experience the sea to the fullest? That also means diving into the water regularly. What could be more fantastic than a morning dive into a deserted sea? Enjoying the quieter evening hours to float around in the water? Or splashing around in the water with your children during the day. Are you curious about the temperature of the beach water? Then click on to this weather page...
Rain radar Ostend
Are there showers coming in Ostend? When will the clouds reach the Belgian coast? How blue is the sky? Will we see the sun set in the sea tonight? You can find all the answers to these questions live on the Buienradar. The well-known Buienradar tells you how dry it will stay on the beach. Check the Buienradar live here.
Ask? To reserve?
Anke and Hans rent out their two accommodations on the Zeedijk in Ostend. Book The Apartment or The Loft for your next vacation.